As one of the individuals who is involved in opposing the construction of Liberty Quarry, I would like to thank Temecula Patch for helping to publicize our collective efforts at protecting all which is at risk.

Once we have stopped Liberty Quarry, it will be important for each friend of the project to continue their efforts to protect the river and the land and to make this protection permanent for future generations.
Electronic signing of the petition to support AB 742 goes to the attention of selected members of the California State Assembly and Senate, as well as to the Governor.
The City of Temecula has been opposing the quarry since at least 2005. On March 8, 2011 the City Council of the City of Temecula passed Resolution No. 11 formally opposing the Liberty Quarry project.
After having spent $784,000 to annex property and debunk the Granite-funded Environmental Impact Report, the City of Temecula was unable to dissuade Granite Construction Corporation from pursuing their objective.
It was on August 4, 2011 -after the failure of every conceivable course of action by the community and local government to stop Granite had been exhausted – that the Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians came forward with the decades overdue AB 742.
It is important that elected representatives, Granite’s management, members of the media, and any interested individual, know and understand that both Native and non-Native Americans are intractably opposed to a gravel pit -by any name- on this land.
The quarry would destroy the LAST wild river and LAST coastal wildlife corridor in Southern California. The fact that it contains sites which are sacred to a people who have lived here for 10,000 years is something we can all understand.
Let your elected representatives know that you Support AB 742
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