You are reading this because you are family, friend, fan, or interested in the Sacred Sky Sacred Earth series of events. As such a person you are a vital part of that work.
Until recently, postings have always been to let you know about an upcoming event or exhibition.
This one is different. Today I am asking you to join a growing number of concerned individuals to help prevent the erasure of a site sacred to the Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians, the destruction of Southern California’s LAST wild river and LAST coastal wildlife corridor, and more.
Please click through this link to show your support of the bi-partisan bill AB 742 which has been drafted to specifically prevent Granite Construction Corporation’s Liberty Quarry project.
Copies of the petition will be sent to elected officials concerned with this bill on the local and state level including the Board of Supervisors, Members of the Senate, and Congress and eventually to Governor Jerry Brown.
The bi-partisan legislation which is specific to defeating the attack on the land in question may be read here. The City of Temecula has been fighting Granite Construction Corporation over the intended Liberty Quarry since 2005. A Granite Construction Corporation spokesperson recently said that they had spent close to $10 million dollars on the project (without purchasing land or breaking ground) to date. Another article indicated that Granite Construction Corporation had recently hired high-profile lobbying and PR firms in Sacramento.
There is little doubt that Granite Construction Corporation is seeking to force itself on the community and is preparing a new strategy even now.
Granite Construction’s current official press release regarding AB 742 is at this link with the spin that their most recent hire KP Public Affairs ( is creating.

I ask that you click on the petition to signal your awareness of these issues and to support this bill to elected representatives. I have been told that they log every call, every fax, every email, both for and against this issue.
Together I believe we can speak for the living land and prevent its death.
Thank you,
Peter Terezakis
San Diego, California
August 31, 2011

Video of the Santa Margarita River flowing through the Santa Margarita Ecological Reserve, courtesy of the U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Reclamation (January 2005).
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