PAPO Class 2 – Stocking Face

Who knew you could make something like this out of pantyhose?


I got to thinking about the genius of this exercise; and what I had discovered.  Part of what I learned is that using this material to shape a container offered tremendous flexibility.  The container could be shaped before, during, and even after constructing and shaping the volume.  This is something I cannot easily accomplish when working with metal, wood, or other rigid materials.

Triadic resonance or disturbing S & M mask?
 If you aren’t familiar with Oskar Schlemmer and his work, here are another two examples:
 Wire-puppet for "Das Triadische Ballett" - the "Triadic Ballet". 1919-1922 Wuerttembergisches Landesmuseum, Stuttgart, Germany

Peter Terezakis

Tisch School of the Arts