“The whole world, as we experience it visually, comes to us through the mystic realm of color.” – Hans Hoffman
Thanks for your email…
Very nice email. Thank you for sending me information on your upcoming event/opening/new jewelry/family news/little Sally’s birthday/funniest picture you’ve ever seen/etc.
I would like to say that I was a bit distressed to see my email address within 352 other email addresses of your nearest, dearest, friends and potential fellow promoters.
Some people might be upset by their email address becoming public – especially if they are PAYING for an email account ($99/year for a .mac, MobileMe, me.com, etc.), or if they are celebrities, public figures, doctors, lawyers, and like to protect their privacy.
Here’s a couple of things that you might want to keep in mind next time you plan on a mass mailing so you don’t alienate some on your list, or run into other trouble:
Use the BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) field when sending your mailing. Putting your addresses in the BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) means that all email addresses will remain private. Limiting the occurrence of one’s email address in public posts and messy email headers is the best way to limit spam. Spam often contains malicious code as well as code which tracks what email address has received and opened their mail. Knowing this confirms to the marketer that they have a “live” address.
IF your email program doesn’t immediately show the BCC field, check the instructions. If your free email provider doesn’t offer this, you may have to pony up and use a real one.
When you use the CC list as you have here, everyone’s address is made public, as attached.
Last you should read, be familiar with, and conduct your mailings within current commercial
email guidelines. Doing so will help with your professionalism, and keep you from ever having
your email account terminated by your service provider, your website shut down, or being fined (possible, but not likely): http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/ed/pubs/business/ecommerce/bus61.shtm
Your email should offer the individual a way to exercise their right to not receive mailings from you (“opt-out”). This is a courtesy I am certain that you would want if the situation were reversed.
At your current number of email recipients you might want to consider using a commercial mailing service which will keep you in compliance and help you send your mails effectively, along with powerful marketing tools. Fees are reasonable.
I hope you find some useful information in this note.
Not entirely free audio for MP3 player
While working on my taxes, I saw how much money I spent on audiobooks for bicycle riding and on long trips this year. This was good motivation to mine the net and the library for less expensive alternatives. As I was setting out to search for “Free” material, I quickly realized again how nothing was “free.” More accurately, material is available for download at a reduced rate after calculating monthly connection fees, computer costs, taxes, and related transportation costs when visiting the library. Trips to the library contain their own subset of costs including time to obtain and return titles, and the price of gasoline now hovering at $3.10 a gallon. Most contemporary recordings lack production value, the best produced that I have heard are the “old time” radio shows. The caveat there is that the media quality varies from title to title, site to site. Let me know if you have other sources.
Mercury Theater / Orson Welles programs
Odeo – Audio and Video titles
Stories Now

Site Launch-
Finally. the site is almost current.
Thank you to my many friends for your continued support!
This April ends the ten year gathering of submissions for the
AllTheNamesOfGod project and the launch of the sculptural
work. There are also a few more items for the site that need
listing which I will get to over the next few weeks.
Thanks again to Alan Stones for creating a new composition to
accompany the video of interactive constructions from 1990.
Best wishes.
Testing the Infra-red
I’ve been recovering from “post-inflammatory bronchitis” after a picking up swine flu. The Flu wasn’t too terrible and I was treated with a course of Tamiflu. When I get sick and feel like whining about how miserable I am, I think of how my grandmother had to watch her mother die from pneumonia, as the one medical doctor on Samothrace could not get antibiotics.
It’s been a couple of weeks and try as I will, I do not seem to be making any headway into regaining my wind/endurance. It’s a constant effort to breathe and I tire easily. I went back to bicycling a week ago and still cannot do my ten miles without huffing, puffing, and being drenched in sweat. I thought I would mix hiking with bicycling (for a daily activity). The past two hikes were very difficult for me. Not at all what I remember them from a couple of years ago.
Anyhow, this down time of recuperation is a challenge. To make use of the outdoor time I have started experimenting with a 72mm, 860 nanometer filter.
A bit of cobbling and I came up with the following at San Diego’s Lake Murray reservoir. Clicking the image will open a new window and animation:

860nm Test
I’ve been recovering from “post-inflammatory bronchitis” after a picking up swine flu. The Flu wasn’t too terrible and I was treated with a course of Tamiflu. When I get sick and feel like whining about how miserable I am, I think of how my grandmother had to watch her mother die from pneumonia, as the one medical doctor on Samothrace could not get antibiotics.
It’s been a couple of weeks and try as I will, I do not seem to be making any headway into regaining my wind/endurance. It’s a constant effort to breathe and I tire easily. I went back to bicycling a week ago and still cannot do my ten miles without huffing, puffing, and being drenched in sweat. I thought I would mix hiking with bicycling (for a daily activity). The past two hikes were very difficult for me. Not at all what I remember them from a couple of years ago.
Anyhow, this down time of recuperation is a challenge. To make use of the outdoor time I have started experimenting with a 72mm, 860 nanometer filter.
A bit of cobbling and I came up with the following at San Diego’s Lake Murray reservoir. Clicking the image will open a new window and animation:

Gabriela Tudor
This past year, we lost a close friend much too early.
Gabriela Tudor was brilliant, charming, funny, driven, and a joy to be around. She was the mother of Vlad Tudor, and wife of my good friend Cosmin Manolescu. This past August one of the Cal-Laborative Kitchen Projects was a full moon light installation in Jacumba, California as a memorial to Gabriela. New friends, Kirk and Noor of the Institute of Perception, made a video that you can see by clicking on the image below or here.
Gabby, our world is smaller without your love.

Allen Ginsberg
I heard a bit of “Howl” on NPR the other day. You Tube held a surprise for me: “Father Death” by Allen Ginsberg.
Click here to watch and hear Father Death Blues, performed by Allen Ginsberg. A You Tube Video
KPBS Tour with COSA Students
Yesterday I had the opportunity to take a class of some of Coronado School of the Arts most promising students on a field trip to our local Public Television Station, KPBS. It was a lot of fun to be back in a production environment with stages, a proper green screen cyclorama, lights, grids, cameras, control rooms, a fair amount of questions, and a very patient tour guide! Thank you again to Ena Newell, KPBS Production Center Manager.
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