To the left of the Tea Party movement

Just read the Wired article on SPC Manning’s apprehension for the dissemination of classified military documents and videos (click image to read the article).
If the charges are true Mr. Manning must be held accountable for his treasonous actions and hung. Hung and left to dangle in the hot desert sun away from family, friends, and his Facebook buddies.
The proper use of intelligence (and the use of spies) possesses the potential to be even more powerful in its effect than pure force, which is expensive in lives and treasure. This fact hasn’t changed since Chinese warlords penned the equations and variables of warfare around 500 B.C.
It was Mr. Bush (an oil man and long-time friend of the Bin Laden family) who set the climate to loosen laws put in place to represent the best, long-term interests for the governing of the nation’s national resources.
Elected officials hold positions of responsibility and trust, just like sworn officers of our police and military.
When that trust is betrayed, when crimes against the public who put them in office have been committed, full accountability for their actions should come to bear.
Federal officials (from the office of the President, to the treasonous Mr. Manning) – should not be above the reach of the law. These felons should lose all the benefits granted by the sweat of the American taxpayer (that is YOU). This would include rescinding their secret service protection, eliminating their pensions, and the seizure of their personal and entire family’s assets by the Federal Government.
In short, I propose that they be returned to the status and condition of the working person whose trust they had betrayed. Corrupt treasonous parasites who betray the public trust should not be permitted to retire to a comfortable lifestyle once they have been apprehended the way that Congressman Duke Cunningham (click) will enjoy after serving time in prison.
Until strong messages are called for and implemented by the American taxpayer, this culture and rot of government and corporate malfeasance will continue until we are a public in worse shape than any post-apocalyptic steampunk aesthetic can conjure.
Enforcing existing and creating new legislation ensuring far-reaching penalties for treasonous behavior of those who misrepresent the will and wishes of the people, by placing their own aggrandizement above the long-term good, will create the “Change We Can All Believe In.”
Anything less is lies, deception, and self-serving corruption, as usual.
That is how this tree-hugging, fresh air loving, clean-water drinking liberal ex-pat New York artist now living in San Diego sees things.
Drill, Baby Drill
How to deal with pain.

“The permanent temptation of life is to confuse dreams with reality. The permanent defeat of life comes when dreams are surrendered to reality.”
~ James Michener
Dreams pass into the reality of action. From the actions stems the dream again; and this interdependence produces the highest form of living.
~ Anais Nin
Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that all was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes, and make it possible.
~T. E. Lawrence
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