People Proliferating Political Protest Puppets

Now that I’ve been sensitized to the mind-set of Puppets as Performing Objects, I see them everywhere.
The combination of costumes, location, masks, props, and signage helped to make this an effective presentation.

(OK: so one out of the lot doesn’t go with the others.)

Peter Terezakis

Tisch School of the Arts


ICM XY & left click

left mouse click background changes color
x circle changes size
y circle color changes color

X Y and left click


Peter Terezakis

Tisch School of the Arts


Glove puppet

This was a big challenge for me on a lot of levels. I’ve never been much for standing in front of people – even behind a puppet. Great that I was able to team up with creative partner Mike Allison. We told a story of hyperventilating student in the midst of a panic attack and Doctor Freud in NYU counseling services.

Making objects is always engrossing. I never used sculpey before. It was easy to work with, relatively strong after firing, had good color, and held lines and form pretty well. It was also relatively inexpensive. Antonius showed a bunch of us how to use a sewing machine. High technology for me. I’ve always used a stapler, fabric glue, or a needle and thread – when I couldn’t have a proper tailor do the work. The big anxiety was getting out in front of people – from behind my puppet.

Peter Terezakis

Tisch School of the Arts


Random Parts

Eyeballs on a stick at Starbuck's?
Eyeballs on a stick at Starbuck’s? I know they’re not. But like the title reads, they sure look like them to me.

Speaking of things that just do not read correctly, here are two arrangements of the same type of ring display at two different jewelry stores, one literally adjacent to the other. Somehow, one reads significantly different than the other.

Ring display, SoHo September 2012
Ring display, SoHo September 2012
Ring display, SoHo September 2012
Ring display, SoHo September 2012

Peter Terezakis

Tisch School of the Arts


“SCANT TESTING FOR ARCTIC BLOWOUT CAPPING SYSTEM — Safety Agency Can Produce Only One Page of Notes to Demonstrate Cap Reliability

Washington, DC — The key system for preventing a repeat of the massive Gulf of Mexico blowout in the sensitive waters of the Arctic underwent only partial and cursory testing with no independent analysis of the results, according to Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER), which obtained the federal testing data. As a result, federal overseers are again completely relying upon industry assurances of safety as Royal Dutch Shell prepares to begin drilling this week in the remote Chukchi Sea.

In response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for all “records pertaining to results of Shell oil company’s testing of its well-head capping stack that would be used in response to a well-head blowout in its Arctic drilling program,” the Bureau of Safety & Environmental Enforcement (BSEE is an arm of the Interior Department, formerly within the Minerals Management Service) could produce only one document – a one-page set of notes. This slim production belied the agency’s claim in press statements that it had conducted “comprehensive” testing to meet “rigorous new standards.”
The field-testing took place over less than two hours in Puget Sound on June 25th and 26th and involved only two BSEE officials and Shell. The first day, they lowered the capping stack to a depth of 200 feet, but did not try to attach it to a simulated wellhead and blowout preventer (BOP), as would be necessary in a real-world blowout.”
Read full article at

PAPO Class 2 – Stocking Face

Who knew you could make something like this out of pantyhose?


I got to thinking about the genius of this exercise; and what I had discovered.  Part of what I learned is that using this material to shape a container offered tremendous flexibility.  The container could be shaped before, during, and even after constructing and shaping the volume.  This is something I cannot easily accomplish when working with metal, wood, or other rigid materials.

Triadic resonance or disturbing S & M mask?
 If you aren’t familiar with Oskar Schlemmer and his work, here are another two examples:
 Wire-puppet for "Das Triadische Ballett" - the "Triadic Ballet". 1919-1922 Wuerttembergisches Landesmuseum, Stuttgart, Germany

Peter Terezakis

Tisch School of the Arts