Exxon oil spill cleanup ongoing in Arkansas

 MAYFLOWER, Ark./HOUSTON | Mon Apr 1, 2013 6:58pm EDT  (Reuters) - Exxon Mobil Corp continued efforts on Monday to clean up thousands of barrels of heavy Canadian crude oil spilled from a near 65-year-old pipeline in Arkansas, as a debate raged about the safety of transporting rising volumes of the fuel into the United States.  The Pegasus pipeline, which ruptured in a housing development near the town of Mayflower on Friday, spewing oil across lawns and down residential streets, remained shut and a company spokesman declined to speculate about when it would be fixed and restarted.  Exxon, which was fined in 2010 for not inspecting another portion of the Pegasus line with sufficient frequency, had yet to excavate the area around the Pegasus pipeline breach on Monday, a critical step in assessing damage and determining how and why it leaked.
Exxon oil spill cleanup ongoing in Arkansas, pipeline shut
One drop of oil will “contaminate approximately 75,000 gallons of water- the size of an Olympic swimming pool.” DEQ, Louisiana.gov
I wonder how many drops of from “thousands of barrels” of oil will escape into the ground table and impact the fresh water of the region. I also wonder if pollution standards will quietly be changed to accommodate new levels of contamination; rendering once unsafe levels as “safe.”

There is already a campaign underway to establish that radiation is good for you.

-Peter Terezakis. NYC 2013

Extra-terrestrial solar

“To stay within a tight $250 million budget cap — including the rocket ride to the moon — project managers are planning to use solar energy to power the rover’s systems and science instruments. However, sunlight on the places where water and other volatiles may be trapped only occurs for a few days at a time.” — NASA plans to make water on the moon.

“Now, I understand that some believe that we should attempt a return to the surface of the Moon first, as previously planned. But I just have to say pretty bluntly here: We’ve been there before. Buzz has been there. There’s a lot more of space to explore, and a lot more to learn when we do.” – President Barack Obama

Plan for unmanned Mars and deep space exploration instead of developing a lunar base?   Even by “artist standards,” that’s not a logical step.  Now that the space shuttles have all been retired from service, the United States can no longer access the space station which it built (with other countries) on its own.  Does Mr. Obama’s have a hidden agenda for NASA; to have its budget pumped up to 19 billion during this time of an economic depression in order that it may be cut to nearly nothing at all in the senate as a reaction?  That would certainly serve the best interests of big oil and those who oppose the dissemination of scientific evidence backing global climate change and other environmental research.

If Space X and other commercial developers are unable to successfully put freight (and human lives) in and out of orbit, the billions of dollars invested in our space program will become part of our American heritage, an action which would not be without precedent.  In 1973 the United States launched Skylab, the first space station – which was allowed to burn up in 1979 (2.6 billion 1970’s dollars).

It is unfortunate that some of the enthusiasm which the Bush and Obama presidencies showered on multinational oil corporations, has not been invested in the future of space exploration and development.  Stewardship for our natural resources has not been a hallmark for many presidencies.  The relationship between caring for the quality and safety of the water we drink, the air which we breathe, and the land upon which we live our lives, and the well-being of a nation is axiomatic.  Which brings me to President Barack Obama’s endorsement of genetically modified foods.

The title of this post is deliberate. By definition, all solar energy is non-terrestrial in origin.  Heck, all wood, oil, coal, wind energy, is derived from the sun. Marketing is all about image creation and changing perceptions.  McLuhan poeticized the essence of Mein Kampf and 1984.  The advertising machine became the power to change minds during the 80s and is the major player in most individual’s decision-making lives.

The dictionary definition of “weapon” is “something used to defeat, injure, or destroy.”

Should it come to pass that burgeoning concerns regarding genetically modified food products entering our bodies (and the food chain) possess merit, then it will be true that advertising has become weaponized in the twenty-first century.

It takes hard science and engineering to create solar-powered technology which can explore the resources of Earth’s moon for water and establish a foothold for the next logical step in the exploration of space.

Until an educated populace demands better from their politicians – and industry – we will be saddled with corrupt, self-serving politicians who would rather serve their multi-national corporate masters than to serve the long-term best interests of their constituency.

Monsanto: 'There is no need for, or value in testing the safety of GM foods in humans'
Monsanto: ‘There is no need for, or value in testing the safety of GM foods in humans’


Would corporations lie?
Would corporations lie?


Sun 2 Me

Sun 2 Me was built by gleaning through 25,000 frames of satellite imagery obtained through NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO).  Due to the rapid rate of frame changing, the video below is a low resolution version of what is some of the most amazing stellar imagery ever seen:  period end of story.

Thanks to William T. Bridgman, heliophysics visualization scientist at NASA, and all the taxpayer dollars which funded the infrastructure, platform, research, and salaries which made these amazing photographs possible.

Dedicated to my life’s partner and love of my life (who is the Sun 2 me) this video was inspired by British electronica-dance (sadly, now disbanded) group Faithless. whose eponymous sound track has been unabashedly lifted for this project.

Sun 2 Me
[KGVID width=”640″ height=”360″]https://www.terezakis.me/video/sun2me_terezakis.mp4[/KGVID]

Peter Terezakis
ITP Master’s Candidate
Tisch School of the Arts

Year-long film


Year-Long Film
At any given moment in the history of mankind our sun has been burning 93 million miles away
providing energy for every form of life on our planet.  Changes of climate and geology have moved
at a rate and pace often described as “glacial.”   Up until relatively recently.  Using a calendar based
upon the life of our planet, it was only a moment ago that mankind figured out how to use fire to
stay keep wild animals away, stay warm, and cook food.  With a population of nine billion,
contemporary civilization has changed local landscapes, the chemistries of our atmosphere, drinking
water, and even our planet’s oceans.  During the past twenty-five years dramatic changes in our
planet’s climate and ecosystems have been documented in journals, photographs, videos, first-hand
testimonials, peer-reviewed presentations, and more.

Consumer/rate-payers embrace a culture based upon disposable packaging, ease of use, and lowest cost.
Banking and industry have become the puppeteers of nations as governments work to keep their citizenry in
check.  Prayer has been replaced with insurance premiums: we have become a global culture of “me” without
notions of accountability or preparing our world for subsequent generations.

I came across the graph below when researching concepts for the assignment of creating a “year-long film.”
The NASA website uses CO2 changes as a marker for climate change.
The NASA website uses CO2 changes as a marker for climate change.
I do not understand what the impact of that graph will have on me, my family, or my community.
What I do understand is that the chemistry of our atmosphere has been dramatically altered – within our
lifetimes. It is axiomatic that the business of business is business.  Pandering to unlimited demand, multinational
oil corporations are changing every aspect of our planet with their work – multiplied by a population of nine billion
(and increasing) consumers.
I elected to combine satellite imagery of the sun, video of swimming jelly fish, and an OF generated layer which simulated the rise of CO2 in our atmosphere.  The animation below shows interactivity through mouse movement
– an optimistic approach to reversing Carbon Dioxide levels in our atmosphere. I also chose to use two songs by
seminal performance artist and New Yorker, Laurie Anderson.
This is a good moment to thank Lia Martinez for hours of patient help with OF.  This work wouldn’t have been
completed without her (Thank you, Lia!).
Big oil has been the articulating hand in the sock puppet of more than one U.S. presidency. From Wikipedia:” In 2005, Council on Environmental Quality chairman (and former oil industry lobbyist) Philip Cooney, was accused of doctoring and watering down descriptions of climate research from other government agencies. The White House denied these reports.[27]Two days later, Cooney announced his resignation [28] and conceded his role in altering the reports. “My sole loyalty was to the President and advancing the policies of his administration,” he told the United States House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.  In addition, the administration thanked Exxon executives for the company’s “active involvement” in helping to determine climate change policy, including the US stance on Kyoto.

Our federal government’s actions regarding irreplaceable, vital natural resources for the past decades is analogous to putting pedophiles in charge of primary schools.  As long as the taxpayers don’t start screaming rape, the portfolios of the vested will continue to throb, and the unbridled exploitation will continue.

(Quicktime of year-long project above. Click to begin.)