CalChamber-Opposed Bill Removes Local Control of Land Use Permitting Authority
1/2 Truth: “….jeopardizing jobs….” – No quarry, no quarry jobs to lose. In fact, the jobs that would be lost would be those from businesses having to leave the community – including those dependent on water.
? : “circumvents local land use decisions” – the community and City of Temecula have been trying to keep the quarry out since 2005. If city government is local government, could it be that Granite Construction, their PR firms and lobbyists are not telling the truth?
Obfuscation of Reality: “….sixth year of permitting process….” See above. Granite keeps trying and the City keeps saying “NO”
Mega-Deliberate Obfuscation of Reality: “[Granite Construction Corporation] ….has a final environmental impact report….” The City of Temecula spent over a quarter of a million dollars to hire experts to debunk Granite Construction Corporation’s EIR.

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