Category Archives: Earth
Green World: discussion videos 1
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Shifting Baselines in the Surf — with environmental corollaries — from
Surfrider Foundation on Vimeo.
Naomi Oreskes Answering Climate Change Skeptics:
Thomas Friedman
Chasing Ice
Green World: Introductory discussion
The material within these videos and articles will be discussed on our first day of class.

2014 Election: That is the voter initiative question
— Eileen Chow

Same as it ever was
In June of 2014 President Obama announced the goal of reducing coal pollution from power plants by 30%; a definitive gesture to the world in efforts to combat climate change. On September 16th Janet McCabe, Acting Assistant Administrator for EPA’s Office of Air and Radiation, held a “CALL FOR CREDENTIALED NEWS MEDIA ONLY.”
The gist of her presentation was that President Obama has back-pedaled on the most critical component of his climate-change plan: that of slowing the process of setting new rules cutting carbon pollution from power plants. Even in a world of shifting baselines June’s announced rule would have cut carbon pollution from the country’s power plants by an average of 30% over 2005 levels.
Yesterday’s forty-five day extension of a public comment period by the current presidential administration follows 106 days after the stated change in what most would consider business as usual. This delay is a symbolic gesture to all concerned with anthropogenic effects on our biosphere and our climate – including the United Nations.
Seven days after President Obama’s administration announced this “extension” the United Nations will host the largest summit on climate change in history. Over one hundred and twenty heads of state will convene to address an issue which will impact the future of humanity.
Instead of leading by example, President Obama will again demonstrate actions dictated by fossil fuel interests as he continues to endorse the exporting of our country’s resources at the expense of current and future generations of Americans while multi-national corporations continue to profit. Instead of embracing renewable technologies to power our economy into the future the message is clear: we are to remain enmired in nineteenth century technology.
Same as it ever was is hardly change anyone can believe in.
Fracking Ban Stands in New York Town; Victory for Local Communities
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No longer content with the sale of property and goods, the Supreme Court has recently converted the political system of the United States for sale to those corporate entities willing to spend the most. So before our new masters get around to having more laws changed in their favor, this is a good time to support Earth Justice. |
“Earthjustice was created by a small group of attorneys with a passionate belief that the power of the law could be used to preserve the environment. They helped establish the right of citizens to go to court to enforce environmental laws when the government couldn’t or wouldn’t.”– Trip Van Noppen, Earthjustice President |
Chernobyl: Released 400 times Radiation of Hiroshima
Native American Sacred Sites Threatened
Please take a moment to read the letter prepared by Alfredo Figueroa and support the effort to preserve Native American sacred sites by signing our petition and linking to this post. |
“Attached you will find our opposition letter sent to Frank McMinemen, the BLM project manager of the proposed Blythe Solar Power Project. As we all know, the California Energy Commission has already approved the project and is on the verge of approving the McCoy project which is just north of the Blythe solar. They are both in the sacred McCoy Valley which is where the Kokopilli/Cicimitll/ El Tosco and over 50 other sacred sites are located.There is no way that any of these sites can be mitigated and that is why it is important for all the people that are concerned in maintaining a harmonious equilibrium that Mother Earth has provided for us since time immemorial be aware of the situation.Please distribute this widely to your contacts, especially to your Senators, Congressmen, and President Obama.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.” Alfredo Acosta Figueroa ( |
Nuclear explosion cover-up? High radiation, leaks reported in Michigan
Cancer cluster map of St. Louis
Click the image above for story.
700 cases of cancers in four square miles, including:
62 brain cancer cases
27 leukemia cases
26 lung cancer cases
24 multiple sclerosis cases
15 lymphoma cases
10 pancreatic cancer cases
3 conjoined twins
And the EPA is being cut back?
Something out there is worth discovering…
UPDATE June 6, 2015: the owner of the video has made it private. Big loss to all. I am looking out for a replacement recording of Carl Sagan’s historic reading.
Listening to Carl Sagan is an infusion of hope. This is another wonderful video where Carl Sagan espouses the dream of space exploration; that something “out there is worth discovering.”
I do not believe that there is a single person who has ever lived who has looked up at a night sky populated with uncountable numbers of suns and not thought the same thing. Kudos to Sagan for having articulated this great longing in such a heartfelt and meaningful manner.
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